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How many times have we heard "empowering girls and women?

When I was young, these statements raised a question in my little head: Does it mean that I NEED empowerment to be equally strong as boys? 
Don't get me wrong! I wholeheartedly support all efforts to empower marginalized groups.

But also want every young girl out there to recognize the boundless power that already resides within them!
In this book, we begin by defining "empower" as its general meaning; as we journey together, get ready for the delightful twist: It's not about giving power; it's about revealing the incredible power they already have within!


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My inspiration for writing this book is the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, in which Iranian women who grew up in a culture that tells them "women can't" played an essential role in the movement that spread the word. In the author's note, I wrote about this movement to introduce it to non-Iranian girls and inspire them. 

Sahar Shams



Sahar Shams, Co-Founder & Product Designer

Our NGO's goal is to cultivate compassion and self-love in children. Our main focus is to bring every child to see the true light and loves that they are truly inside. 

My strongest desire for creating these apps and books is to ensure that what I need to know as a child to grow from emotional pains into a happy and joyful state is accessible and free for young people.


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Michka Application

The first app that helped young victims of sexual abuse open up and see help!

Michka app impact




children's Letters  

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“The Little Soul Foundation has developed a wonderful app for kids that uses art therapy and games to help kids overcome the effects of childhood trauma.”

Rick Hanson, Ph.D. is a psychologist and New York Times best-selling author. His books include Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha's Brain and Just One Thing.


Children's Letters 

Children drew their "heart's flower" after playing with the "Michka" application.


"As an expressive arts educator, I know that the arts have the power to transform lives. Our platforms help children grow in resilience and emotional intelligence.

They are an innovative and unique approach to healing and education. Children can heal- even from the most devastating circumstances, and “Meeka’s Secret” allows us to reach out to children worldwide and offer hope through story, games, art, and play."


Suzanne Darley, The little Soul Co-founder, Director, Ph.D., REACE, Expressive Art Educator 

My New Channel

My New Channel

My New Channel
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Michka Application Teaser میچکا داستان کودک اموزشی پیشگیری از ازار جنسی

Michka Application Teaser میچکا داستان کودک اموزشی پیشگیری از ازار جنسی

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Michka Exhibition

Michka Exhibition

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While Playing Michka

While Playing Michka

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